Queen's Quest Chess Tournament
Starts: Nov 21, 2015 @ 9:30 AM
Interested in competing? Check out the requirements and what's involved.
Where: Mill Creek Elementary , 847 Mill Road ,Madison, AL 35758
When: Saturday, November 21, 2015.
Sections: Open (K-12), Jr. High (K-9), Elementary (K-6), Elementary (4-6) U500, Primary (K-3)
Round Times: 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 2:15, 3:30, Time Control: G/30, d5
When: Saturday, November 21, 2015.
Sections: Open (K-12), Jr. High (K-9), Elementary (K-6), Elementary (4-6) U500, Primary (K-3)
Round Times: 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 2:15, 3:30, Time Control: G/30, d5
Mandatory Players meeting: 9:15 a.m.
Memberships, Fees, And Deadlines
- 5 round Swiss, USCF rated. USCF membership is required for all sections, and must be obtained before registering for this tournament. USCF membership can be obtained online at uschess.org or by mail using this form.
- Entry Fee: $20 per individual or $45 per family by the Advance Entry deadline. $40 per individual or $90 per family after the Advance Entry Deadline.
- Advance Entry: Online entry by November 19th, 2015. Mail-in entries postmarked by November 13th, 2015.
- Late Entry: Registration after the Advance Entry date requires a first-round 1/2 point bye. This is to help avoid late-starts due to last-minute repairings of late entrants.
This is an individual event, with secondary team prizes; team is four highest scorers. Teams may represent a school only. Pairings will be "team blind."
Individual Awards: Trophies for top 10 individuals in K-3, 4-6 U500 (this section only available for 4th-6th graders), and K-6 sections. Trophies for top 5 in K-9. Trophies for top 3 in K-12. Medals to all individuals whose score ties for a trophy place, but loses out on tie‐break.
Team Awards: Trophies for top 5 teams in K-3, 4-6 U500, and K-6 sections. Trophies for top 3 teams in K-9. Trophies for top 2 teams in K-12.