MCCL Monday Night Blitz Tournament
Starts: May 17, 2021
What: Monday Night Blitz Tournament; Game 5 min per side; 5 rounds
When: Monday evenings; 7:00-8:15 p.m.
Cost: Free
Who: Kids K-12th grade who are current MCCL members
Tournaments are free for MCCL members and only your ChessKid fast chess rating is affected.
Join/Become a member:
ChessKid Tip: Use a computer Browser to access Live Chess, not a mobile device of any kind.
Here is an article telling you how to join tournaments on ChessKid.
To join tournaments, go to Play vs. Kid and click on the tournament you want to join at least 5 minutes before start time (you cannot join a tournament after it has started). The tournaments have various time controls and numbers of rounds, so be sure you can commit to playing for the duration before you join. When your round is over, you can watch other games still in progress. The next round will be paired when everyone has finished playing the current round, so stay online. Good luck!