National K-12 Chess Championship -12/15-17
Starts: Dec 15, 2023
Ends: Dec 17, 2023
2023 National K-12 Grade Championships, December 15-17
Hyatt Regency Orlando
9801 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
(407) 284-1234
HR: $169 single/double/triple/quad - Cutoff date: November 20, 2023
13 Sections: Play only in your Grade.
December rating supplement will be used.
Click here for the current Scholastic Regulations.
Time Control: Game/90 d10 (each player has 90 minutes to complete the game with a 10 second grace period each move)
Entry Fee: $80 if registered or postmarked by Nov. 20, $100 if registered or postmarked by Nov. 27, $130 by Dec. 4, $180 until 11am 12/14. NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION. NO REGISTRATION BY PHONE. ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES 11AM EASTERN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14. Do not mail anything after November 27.
$40 change fee for roster or section changes after Dec. 4 or on site changes.
No "player swaps" on site! If a player is withdrawing, you will be refunded the full entry fee, so long as the player is withdrawn before 11am Friday, December 15.
No refund if withdrawing after 11am Friday, December 15.
Schedule for Grades 2-12:
Opening ceremony Fri. 12:45 pm.
Round start times at: Fri. 1 pm, Fri. 6 pm, Sat. 9 am, Sat. 1:30 pm. Sat. 6 pm, Sun. 9 am. Sun. 1:30 pm.
Awards Ceremony: Sunday 6:00 pm (approximately)
Schedule for Grades K-1:
Rounds start at: Fri. 1:30 pm, Fri. 5:30 pm, Sat. 9:30 am, Sat. 1:30 pm, Sat. 5:30 pm, Sun. 9:30 am, Sun. 1:30 pm.
Awards Ceremony: Sunday 5:30 pm (approximately)
Tournament Entry
Register Online - Online registration is STRONGLY preferred.
Here are links to our mail-in entry form, in Word version and PDF version.