2023 All Girls State - We Set Another Record!

The 2023 All Girls State Chess Championship was conducted at HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology and saw another record-setting attendance as this tournament enters its sixth year. Sponsored by State Senator Arthur Orr, all 66 participants received an All Girls State shirt and competed in the beautiful HudsonAlpha Library and Auditorium.
Photo Credit: Scott Wilhelm
"It was so appropriate to hold this event at HudsonAlpha where STEM skills and innovation are on full display. Girls who play chess are analytic problem solvers, and we wanted them to see where these skills can be utilized in the future," said Madison City Chess League President Ranae Bartlett.
We were excited to see girls representing Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering, ASFL, Altamont, Auburn HS, Baldwin Arts and Academic Magnet, Bob Jones HS, Brocks Gap Intermediate School, Columbia ES, Discovery MS, Heritage ES, Hilltop Montessori, Horizon ES, Lee Scott Academy - Auburn, James Clemens HS, Liberty MS, Madison ES, Midtown ES, Mill Creek ES, Rainbow ES, and the Home School community.
Photo credit: Scott Wilhelm
Thank you to all the families who support their girls playing chess and thank you to all our coaches and teacher chess club sponsors who help grow this game!
And The Winners Are . . .
Many thanks to Nadia Sosonkina who took our awards photos and to Huntsville City Council President John Meredith who helped hand out awards. Individual awards went to the top 5 scores in each section, and Team awards went to the top three teams in each section.
K-12 Section
Front Row: Sarah Peter 1st, Nirvana Rajbhandari 2nd, Emily Jiang 3rd. Back Row: Oviya Gowder 4th, Advitya Kana 5th, and Nora Farris (tied for 5th).
L to R: 1st place team Bob Jones HS; 2nd place team James Clemens HS; 3rd place team Discovery Middle.
K-6 Section
Front Row (L to R): Kylie Zou 1st, Sophia Jerez 2nd. Back Row: Moranu Adedoyin 3rd, Esinam Tettey 4th, Luna Qu 5th.
L to R: 1st place team Discovery Middle; 2nd place team Rainbow Elementary; 3rd place team Columbia Elementary.
K-3 Section
L to R: Alice Zou 1st, Avyaktha Subramania 2nd, Annabelle Hsu 3rd, Summer Seewald 4th, and Udara Sarathchandra 5th.
L to R: 1st place team Heritage Elementary; 2nd place team Rainbow Elementary; 3rd place team Horizon Elementary.
The complete tournament report in tie-break order can be found here. The US Chess ratings report from the tournament (not in tie-break order) can be found here.