MCS Fall Scholars First To Identify Qualifiers for City Chess Championship

The Championship section had 18 competitors ranging from 3rd to 8th grade who played four rounds. The time control for the Championship section was a 60-minute game with 5 second delay--so some of the games lasted around 2 hours. Award winners were: Michael Guthrie (1st), Boone Ramsey (2nd), Josh Lin (3rd), Geon Park (4th), Constance Wang (5th), Jenson Wilhelm (6th), and Maanasi Limaye (top female).
The largest section of the tournament was for students rated Under 900 where 41 students competed in games with a 30 minute/5 second delay time control. Award winners were: William Spanier (1st), Erin Kueck (2nd), Christopher Kang (3rd), Zachary Calinsky (4th), Pranav Somu (5th), Sohan Mynampally (6th), and Madhushalini Balaji (top female).
It was exciting to see one-third of the competitors competing in the non-rated section, showing the increased interest in competitive chess. Most of the non-rated players were also from host school Heritage Elementary which demonstrates one of the advantages of hosting a chess tournament. Award winners in the Non-Rated K-12 section were: Kevin Dunn (1st), Hugh Mitchell (2nd), Mark Skrabanek (3rd), and Brigida Lundy (top female). Award winners in the Non-Rated K-6 section were: Yuti Das (1st), Alex Herrin (2nd), Rakhee Cho (3rd), and Bhavya Chalasani (top female).
For complete results from the Fall Scholars chess tournament, follow this link. For an updated list of who has qualified for the 2016 City Chess Championship, follow this link.