National Chess Day Lifts Off In Space City With GM Stripunsky!

Madison City Chess League invited GM Alexander Stripunsky to Space City to conduct a simultaneous chess match under the Saturn V Rocket at the US Space and Rocket Center’s Davidson Center for Space Exploration. This was the first time the Davidson Center for Space Exploration has hosted such an event and the first time a chess grand master has ever appeared in Alabama for such an exhibition followed by a chess camp for students.
The invitation to GM Stripunsky was arranged through Arlene Kleiman
whose son and International Master, Jake Kleiman, studied under
Stripunsky for years. Both Stripunsky and Kleiman teach at the annual
MidSouth Chess Summer Camp in Memphis each June. Some Madison students
have attended MidSouth in the past. MCCL Executive Director Ranae
Bartlett describes Stripunsky as a "gentleman and very gracious with his
time and talents while working with children who are at the beginning
stages of their chess development." He is also intense whether
instructing in class or conducting recreational soccer activities with
the kids during breaks. "It was a lot of fun watching him interact with
our students," Bartlett said. The weekend camp occurred at Madison
City Schools Central Office. The Madison City Schools Central Office is
located next to the City football stadium, so the kids enjoyed gaining
special access to the football field for recreational activities with a
grand master.
The fall camp welcomed twenty-five students ranging from elementary to high school age who studied chess in two groups: GM Stripunsky taught students rated 1250 and above and IM Kleiman taught students rated between 700 and 1250. They also exchanged classes for a short period so students in both sections could be exposed to both instructors. Beginning the weekend event with a Simul under the Saturn V rocket was truly magical. Although the Davidson Center for Space Exploration appears vast, the Simul had an intimate feel. It was something very special for the participants and observers.
surprisingly, Stripunsky won every match during the Simul. Upon arriving
at the Davidson Center, he genuinely appeared awed by the
surroundings. He asked Bartlett, “How did you do this?” Our kids were
equally awed and enamored with Stripunsky. They kept mentioning how
nice he was and how much they learned from him during the weekend.
And what did GM Stripunsky think of his first visit to Alabama? "Absolutely fantastic event in terms of organization. I was also impressed with the level of dedication the kids showed and their ability to learn quickly. Many thanks to Ranae Bartlett for making all that possible."
Alex Stripunsky