Summer Knights in Madison

Each class had a student who received a Top Camper award, and it was a tough decision because the kids were so great. Here are the Top Camper winners by class: Learn to Play - Haley Clark, Recreation - Elizabeth Kasprzak, Beginning Competition - Madeline Edwards, Intermediate Competition - Alex Edwards, Advanced Competition - Constance Wang.
A WHNT News-19 reporter and camera man visited on our first day of camp and did a wonderful story about Summer Knights. You can see the story here.
During the camp, IM Danny Rensch wowed our campers with his memory and visualization skills while playing chess matches against multiple kids at once, and even blindfolded!
Students were divided by their USCF ratings into the competition chess classes (Under 500, Under 1000, and Open) and these also served as the sections used for the Rated portion of the Summer Knights chess tournament on Saturday. A Non-Rated section of the tournament allowed kids to experience a first chess tournament without any pressure. The tournament was a great way for kids to apply what they learned all week. Trophies and medals were awarded to the top three finishers in each section, as well as a Top Female medal for each section. Follow this link for complete tournament results.